6.The major genera with the largest representation in the oral cavities include: streptococcus, prevotella, haemophilus, rothia, veillonella, neisseria, fusobacterium, and porphyromonas.
14.The structures within the oral cavity including the teeth, tongue, and palate, are involved in the chewing (mastication) and swallowing (deglutition) of food.
15.All right, as a quick recap, oral cancer refers to cancers that originate in the oral cavity, which is lined by keratinized or non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelia.
16.The oral cavity. The process of digestion begins in the mouth, also called the buccal cavity, which is the opening through which food enters the body.
18.While the prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma in the oral cavity depends largely on the tumor stage, HPV status is a main prognostic factor for squamous cell carcinoma in the oropharynx.
19.Oropharyngeal cancers are strongly associated with infection by human papillomavirus type 16, but interestingly, tumors of the oral cavity, like the lateral tongue and floor of the mouth are not usually associated with HPV 16.
20.This alteration can disrupt the bacterial equilibrium in the oral cavity by increasing harmful bacteria and decreasing the beneficial ones, thus leading to a series of oral infectious diseases such as dental caries, or periodontal diseases.